//Wave 11:11, 11 Noviembre 2008 - One Love brings Peace

Tuesday, November 11th @ 11:11 am (your local time)

We will unite again in song, prayer & mediation to he
al the planet...as we set the intentional focus on unconditional love.

We are one humanity on earth
and All share in the bond of love
All life is symbiotic energy
We are all in this together...One Love

The keys to flowing in the Universe:
Attraction, Intention, Allowance & Balance

. . .shantiomma. . .

+ INFO : http://www.myspace.com/thewave1111

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. ♥ . Gabriel

. ♥ .  Gabriel


Una gota + otra gota hacen un Gran OCEANO de posibilidades . Un Mago está amaneciendo desde el Arco Iris en la Aurora "No es el Mundo que se Transforma sino Tú" ...Magos de la Tierra...